How do I gain access to Employer Administrative tools?

How do I gain access to Employer Administrative tools?

For detailed instructions on how to request Employer Administrative Access watch the video

You can also see the instructions here. Employer Administrative Access Request Submission. 

This is a two-step process that requires that you identify the sites that you need employer access to, and a letter signed by the highest authority or, if you are a Family Child Care provider, a copy of your Family Child Care license.  

In order to gain access to these administrative tools, a Program Director or FCC Owner must request Employer Administrative Access by doing the following:

  • Login to the Registry, once you have created a profile.
  • Request administrative access by selecting “Administrative Access Request” on the left-hand navigation bar.
  • Search for facility by name, address or license number

          a. Select “Add to List”

          b. Administrators with more than one facility – continue to search for each facility and “Add to List”                until all facilities are listed

              i. Click “Submit Request”

  • Submit verification documentation.  The Program Director must submit a letter on agency letterhead authorizing administrative access for the designated individual or if you are a Family Child Care provider, a copy of your Family Child Care license.  

Once all required documentation has been received and processed by the Registry Office, Registry staff will approve or deny the request.  You will receive an email letting you know if your request was either approved or denied.

For questions about Employer/Program Access email