I am an employer and I need to verify my employee’s employment information (Staff Confirmation)

I am an employer and I need to verify my employee’s employment information (Staff Confirmation)

ECE Employers, Program Administrators, or FCC Owners must request and be granted Employer Administrative Access (see the video on How to Request Employer Admin Access) on the Registry to verify staff employment. 

Check out  the video below, go to timestamp 2:30 to see staff confirmation instructions.


Your Employees must have identified you as their employer in their Registry Profile.  You cannot add employees - they must add you as their employer (see How to Update Employer video).

For complete instructions on Staff Confirmation go to the Employer Administrator User Guide (page 4).

To confirm staff employment:

  1. Log into your Registry profile at https://www.caregistry.org/
  2. From your Registry Profile home page, click on the Program Administration tab located on the Navigation Bar on the left side of the page.
  3. On the Program Administration page, you will see all the facilities you have Employer Administrative Access to. To verify staff employment details, click on Staff Confirmation.
  4. Staff Confirmation: Registry participants who have reported working at your facility, FCCH, or organization will appear in the “Staff Confirmation” list of employees. Staff whose employment has been verified will appear in light blue while those whose employment has not been verified will appear in light green. Staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
  5. Verify staff employment by clicking on the circle next to “Yes” and then click on “Save” to confirm employment.  Once the individual’s employment has been confirmed, the box will turn blue.

When editing Primary Involvement and Job Title you must enter From: date and To: date. From: field is the date staff began with that job title. To: field is the date that indicates when the change of job title was made –this does not mean employee is ending employment. See page 6 of the Employer Administrator User Guide. 


Questions? We can help!

For questions about Employer/Program Access email RegistryEmployerAccess@ccala.net.