Training Sponsor Information: How can I add staff as a sponsor manager to access the Training Sponsor Tools?

Training Sponsor Information: How can I add staff as a sponsor manager to access the Training Sponsor Tools?

The Contact or Sponsor Manager will need to enter the new staff person's Registry ID # by going to:
Training Sponsor Tools
Training Sponsor Information,
Add Sponsor.


Once a person has been added to a Training Organization, they can access the Training Sponsor Tools

Jump to (00:50 seconds) for more information on how to add staff as Sponsor Managers.

Need Help? Contact the Registry 
For Training Sponsor and Instructor questions go to the Registry website and select "Support" to access articles or to leave a message go to "Live Chat," Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  To talk to support staff, call toll free: (855) 645-0826.