Training Sponsor Information: How to edit a training event in Event Management.

Training Sponsor Information: How to edit a training event in Event Management.

If you need to edit an event that has not yet taken place:


Edit Events:
Go to Training Sponsor Tools,
then go to Event Management,
identify the event that needs the edit, and select View (icon).

Then at the bottom of the "View" page,
click "Edit Event" (see image below). 

When you edit Trainings, you are editing the trainings details and description, but all the logistics about an event are in Event Management.


Edit Trainings:
Training fields can be edited anytime - but edits will change past participants' records. You can change the training hours without impacting past records. For example, if you change the title from "Car Seat Safety" to "Car Seat and Summer Safety," it will change the training title on all participants' Education & Training Reports.

For training edits, go to List Training, select training.
Click on "View Training Details" and "Edit."

When you change the hours of a training, this is the only change that will not change the number of hours on a past training participant's Education and Training Report

To award partial hours to a training participant, go to the the training Roster on Event Management.  The number of hours entered in the Training is the maximum number of hours that can be awarded.

If you need to edit an event that has already taken place please reach out for technical assistance, please go to the Registry website and select "Support" to access articles or to leave a message go to "Live Chat," Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  To talk to support staff, call toll free: (855) 645-0826.